Advance Health Directive

An Advance Health Directive (AHD) allows you make predetermined decisions regarding any medical treatment you may require and provide clear instructions to your medical professionals to follow those directions.  

To put an AHD in place, you will need to consider decisions such as, if you are incapacitated:
- do you want to be resuscitated?
- do you want antibiotics administered?
- do you want to be hydrated?

These are very important decisions and you should ensure you understand the consequences of those decisions by discussing the effects with your doctor.  For instance, you may be unable to speak or respond but if you refuse intravenous hydration, you may be thirsty but unable to tell anyone.  Is this what you want? 

When we draft an AHD we ensure the client understands the impact of these decisions and that your doctor has properly explained the consequences.


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What is an Advance Health Directive?

What is an Advance Health Directive?

An Advance Health Directive is a document that nominates an "attorney" or multiple attorneys that can act for a person.  This is dependant on what is written into the document as the powers can be limited.  A broad Power of Attorney allows the attorney to undertake financial and personal decisions.   It can be limited, such as allowing the attorney to act on all occasions except in relation to a particular property.  The attorney can act immediatley, on a specific date or on event such as the incapacity.

Call our office for further information.

When does an AHD come into effect?

When does an AHD come into effect?

An Advance Health Directive comes into effect when nominated.  It can be on the person becoming incapacitated or immediately if required.

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