Sale of a business

Before you put your business on the market, it is essential that your business is valued to ensure an accurate sale price. You can do this by analysing the business’ financial statements, physical assets, intangible assets, legal documents, market conditions, sales information, employee details and many more other details. In order to make your job easier, a business broker or professional valuer can also assess the worth of your business. Once an interested party is willing to purchase the business, a Contract of Sale between the seller and purchaser, must be drawn up to include all relevant information.


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What are the requirements of selling a business?

What are the requirements of selling a business?

Selling a business can be a complex process. It is imperative you make sure the transaction is clear and you are not exposing yourself to unwanted liability to the buyer. It is also important to make sure you are not breaching your obligations to other parties such as landlords during the sale.

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